Sunday, April 13, 2008

Nominations for PTA leadership

Nominees are as follows:

President - DeeDee Wagner and Wanda Howard
Vice president - Rebekah Waldorf and Paula Applegate
Secretary - Lindy Cabales
Treasurer - Jennifer Merrill and Brandie Davies

One person will need to be elected for each position at the next General PTA meeting on May 8th. These nominations, and any others taken from the floor the night of the meeting will be considered by the general membership present. Any nominations from the floor must be present to accept the nomination. Those listed above have already accepted and need not be present to be elected. So if you've change your mind, you'd better come to the meeting to decline your nomination or you could be voted in!! :)

Thanks to the nominating committee for their efforts and to those that have volunteered to take on a position.

There are also several chair position for things like: Membership, Volunteer coordinator, Harvest carnival, Bingo, Legislation, Family Programs, Reflections (art program),... Additionally there are chair positions to coordinate several events throughout the year. If you'd like to get involved just send us an email or drop in at meetings announced here.

Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you May 8th to vote in the new board.

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