Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Open House!!

From my limited perspective, open house was a thrilling success. Fruit sundaes and root beer floats played center stage to T-shirt sales and escrip explanations. We signed up nearly 30 new people with escrip which means that when those 30 people shop at Safeway for the groceries they buy any way, Brattain PTA gets a percentage of everything they spend. Free money! Doesn’t cost you anything, doesn’t cost us anything! Why is this so cool?! It means fewer fundraisers to support school field trips, artist in residence, assemblies, and other fun programs for our kids. If you’d like an escrip sign-up sheet to take home to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, co-workers, just leave your email address in a comment below or email us at I’ll send you an attachment of the form or we’ll arrange delivery another way. The more people signed up, the less we have to ask you to sell stuff like Sponge bob clocks, boxes of candy, or buckets of cookie dough; which by the way, please make it to the first PTA meeting Thursday September 20th at 6:30pm in the Brattain school library to help decide what fundraisers we’ll be doing this year as well as voting in the new slate of officers, approving the working budget and the standing rules for the coming year. Look for these to be posted sometime this weekend.

Thanks for coming to the open house and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday the 20th.


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