Monday, September 17, 2007


Here is the agenda for the upcoming PTA meeting on Thursday, Sept. 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the library. Hope to see you there!

Brattain PTA agenda/Thursday, Sept. 20

Call to order
Review of minutes
Treasurer's report
Reports — Leadership camp
Unfinished business — Election of officers
New business — Approve standing rules; Approve 2007-08 budget; Fall fundraiser; Harvest Carnival committee; Wellness forum

You can also click on the comment section below to see the proposed standing rules that outline how Brattain PTA's operates.


Brattain PTA said...

Standing Rules

Name of Unit: Brattain PTA
Employer ID Number: 93-0391589
National PTA Number: 00016948
Council Affiliation: Springfield
State Affiliation: Region 6 is affiliated with National PTA and Oregon PTA and as such is governed by the Unified Local Unit Bylaws and the Oregon PTA Bylaws.
Annual Dues: Annual local unit dues shall be $9 per individual, which includes $1.75 to National PTA and $7.25 to Oregon PTA.
Fiscal Year: July 1 to June 30
Quorum: Quorum for each general meeting shall be five (5) voting members.
Meetings: Regular (general) meetings of this association shall be held the third Thursday of September, November, January, March and May for the purpose of adopting a budget, appointing a nominating committee, electing new officers and conducting general business. Additional meetings may be called by the Executive board.
Executive board meetings of this association shall be held once a month or as determined by the Executive board. The Executive board of directors shall consist of the elected officers and the appointed chairs of the standing committees.
Officers: The officers of this association shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Any elected position may be held jointly by two (2) people. Each co-position holder is entitled to voice and vote at a board of directors’ meeting. Officers shall be elected in June and take office July 1.
Standing Committees: The Standing Committees of this association shall be:Membership, Programs, Publicity, Phone Tree, Volunteers, Fundraising
Special Committees: The President of this association may, with the approval of the Executive board, appoint special committees as deemed appropriate. Special sommittees go out of existence when the work is completed and the final report is received by the board.
Order of Business: The order of business for meetings of this association shall be:
1. Call to order
2. Review of minutes from last meeting
3. Treasurer’s report
4. Correspondence
5. Reports
6. Unfinished business
7. New business
8. Program
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment
Public Comment: People wishing to comment on an agenda item must be recognized by the President or other presiding officer, and then shall have fifteen (15) minutes to address the issue before turning the floor over to the next person.
Nominating Committee: The nominating committee of this association shall consist of three (3) members and shall be elected by the general membership at the February meeting.
Report of the Nominating Committee is required at the April meeting of the Executive committee/board. Once that report has been received, the work of the committee is complete.
Convention Delegates: Delegates from this association attending the annual meeting of
Oregon PTA shall be appointed at a meeting of the board of directors.
These standing rules shall be read at the first general membership meeting of the school year and may be read by request at any meeting. They may be amended or rescinded by a two-thirds vote at any general meeting. If notice of the proposed action is given at a previous meeting or in the call for the meeting, they may be rescinded by a majority vote.

Anonymous said...

Hi There,

It was great to be a part of the first PTA Meeting, I’m looking forward to a great year… my first year as an active member!

I know that we want to move fast with the cookbook fundraiser, so I put together a draft flyer for the fundraising members to take a look at. I didn’t catch a lot of the specifics on the submittal process so I’ve left a space for additional information. I sent a copy and attachment of the draft flyer to Please feel free to edit as you see fit or you can contact me and I will edit.

If we decide to use a flyer for this, I will be happy to bring it by the school tomorrow after work so that it will be ready to pass out to students early next week.

Please feel free to contact me at the numbers below.

Jennifer Merrill
Direct Line: 541.228.3737
Cellular: 541.968.9043